November 14th, 2019

A Saturn Conjunct Pluto Recommendation

When I first encountered Sean Tejaratchi‘s mindbending books, gosh, about fifteen years ago, I was instantly enchanted–and just a little bit waylaid.

Once you open one of Sean’s collections of vintage imagery, the effect is instantly alchemical, meaning Sean’s deft arrangement of paradoxical or nonsensical pairings (death and scissors, sex and kitchen gadgets, church and state, for example) will force your unconscious mind to reimagine and rethink the too-tight boundaries that define consensus reality.

I can’t explain exactly why this is the case; but after decades of working with the content of my client’s dreams, I can attest to the value in allowing the rational mind to dally in a big tub of images. In one sense this is why working with the Tarot can be so potent, although unlike the Tarot the unexpected and madcap nature of Sean’s vintage collections works quite differently.

And for that reason, I’m recommending Sean’s latest publication, the humongous, 450-page The Crap Hound Big Book of Unhappiness. I’m suggesting this book to friends, colleagues, and clients who are coming to terms with the aura of anxiety surrounding the ongoing Saturn Pluto conjunction; a planetary merger that will set the tenor for the entirety of 2020.

As Sean writes in the introduction to his collection:

“I didn’t want to make an anthology, so this book will basically be an enormous, horizontal tenth issue devoted to images notable for their lack of positivity. There will be men, women, children, and even pets in states of confusion, pain, fear, stress, anger, embarrassment, sorrow, depression, and frustration. There’ll be headaches, upset stomachs, storms, earthquakes, fires, floods, vehicular collisions, weight issues, drugs, suicide, murder, execution & punishment, atomic bombs, unemployment, riots, injuries, falls, fistfights, tantrums, and the silent, nocturnal shame of bedwetting.
I’m including accessories (syringes, knives, pills, crutches, splints, etc.), and imminent unhappiness (e.g. roller skates on stairs and overloaded electrical sockets). From the tearful sting of a scraped knee to the ominous shadow of impending planetary doom, you can expect a rich tapestry of trouble.”

My video will take you deeper into the book and also, hopefully, highlight parts of the thesis from my upcoming private report Saturn and Pluto and the Remains of the Day. A report that will be available next month on Astroinqiry.

If you’d like to receive a notice (and a special discount rate on my report) please sign up for my newsletter.

And you can order your own copy of The Crap Hound Book Big of Unhappiness from Amazon.

Explore more of Sean’s world on his Liar Town tumblr.

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